We Are Better Together
We Are Better Together
Phone: 240-723-5200
Process for Reporting Complaints
Process for Reporting Complaints
Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE)
depends on residents in the community to help them identify code violations so they can be addressed.
The first step in reporting suspected violations is to call 311 (301-883-4748) or file a report online at CountyClick311@co.pg.md.us.
Contacting 311 allows County officials to track complaints and route them to the appropriate agencies.
You can follow up on your complaint with 311 using your reference number.
Contact DPIE if you need additional information at 301-636-2020.
Step One for County Complaints, Call 311!
Important Phone Numbers
Abandoned Vehicles - 301-952-1873
Animal Management - 301-780-7200
Building/Construction Standards - 301-883-3820
Bulky Trash - 301-883-4748
DPIE Public Information - 301-636-2020
Enforcement Division - 301-883-6168
Licensing - 301-883-3840
Permits Center - 301-636-2050
Refuse, Recycling and Yard Waste - 301-952-7625
Rental Licensing - 301-883-3840